Model Written Statement for Periodic Standard Contracts in Wales
After 1st December 2022 Landlords and Letting agents in Wales will have to comply with the Renting Homes (Wales) Act 2016 and the government is helping landlords with the transitioning of tenancy agreements to written statements by providing Model Contracts.
There is a Model Written Statement for Fixed Term contracts of less than 7 years which you can learn more about here.
Periodic Standard Occupation Contracts
As far as Periodic Tenancies, or 'Periodic Standard Occupation Contracts' is concerned there is Model Statement available which includes detailed information for Tenants and Landlords alike.
This Model Statement is Included in our Tenancy Agreement Pack along with other Tenancy documents. Get Statement Now

This statement is a downloadable version of Schedule 2 to the Renting Homes (Model Written Statements of Contract) (Wales) Regulations 2022.
The terms included in it are those set out in the Act and regulations made under the Act. Some terms may not be changed; others can be omitted or modified with agreement from both parties (however, this only applies where it improves the position for the contract-holder).
The downloadable document serves as a foundation that landlords or agents can use to create a new periodic standard occupation contract. Depending on individual circumstances and needs, some terms may need to be excluded or modified while others might be included. If you're unsure about the modification or inclusion of any given term, it's best to consult an expert before moving forward.
It states to tenants as follows:
Punishment for Landlord not Providing a written statement, free of charge
Within 14 days of the day you were supposed to be able to move in (the "occupation date"), your landlord must give you a free, written statement. If you did not get a copy of this statement within 14 days after you moved in, for each day that you have not received the statement,If your landlord doesn't comply in a timely manner, you may be entitled to compensation equivalent to one day's rent, up to a maximum of two months' rent. However, if the failure was due to intentional neglect on the landlord's part, you can take them to court increase this amount).
This Model Statement is Included in our Tenancy Agreement Pack along with other Tenancy documents. Get Statement Now

Written Statement Rights and Responsibilities
The written contract you receive from your landlord will include mandatory terms as well as explanatory information. These explain what both you and your landlord's rights and responsibilities are under the occupation contract. Be sure to read over these carefully to make certain that you understand and agree to them before signing where indicated. Keep this document in a safe place so that you can refer back to it if needed in the future.
Key Terms in Model Written Statement for Periodic Standard Contracts in Wales
This Model Statement is Included in our Tenancy Agreement Pack along with other Tenancy documents. Get Statement Now
Key matters
In other words, the address of where you live, the date you moved in, how much rent you pay (or other considerations), and finally, the rental period (the amount time for which rent is paid out: weekly or monthly).
Fundamental terms
According to the Act, certain provisions are automatically included in an occupation contract as terms. Some of these cannot be changed and must correspond with the wording found in the Act. However, others can be removed or modified, but only if both you and your landlord agree to do so and it would provide some advantage for you as the contract-holder.
Supplementary terms
The Welsh Ministers have put these into regulations, and they are already set out as conditions of an occupation contract. However, if both you and the landlord agree to it, you can change or omit them for your benefit or the landlord's.

Additional Terms
Landlords and tenants may agree additional terms to 'bespoke the agreement to specific needs but they cannot conflict with the mandatory terms intended by the Welsh Government in the first place.
This Model Statement is Included in our Tenancy Agreement Pack along with other Tenancy documents. Get Statement Now