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How to Request a Warrant using Money Claims Online

Before requesting a Warrant of Control, it is important to consider the rules available in the Civil Procedure Rules (CPR) about when a warrant can be requested, including the relevant costs.

The Court Forms page here has more detailed information about the process for requesting a Warrant.

Claimant and Defendant Address

Once you have familiarised yourself with the CPR and relevant court forms, you will need to complete the form for requesting a Warrant of Control. In this form, you will need to provide the addresses of the claimant and defendant to ensure that the warrant can be enforced.

Warrant Details

In this step you will need to provide the details of the warrant, including the type of warrant you are requesting, a description of the goods to be seized, and a detailed account of the debt which is owed.

Summary, Payment and Confirmation

Once you have completed the form, you will need to provide a summary of the information submitted, make the payment for the warrant, and confirm the request. After this is done, you will receive confirmation that the warrant has been issued.

Requesting a Joint Warrant of Control for Two Defendants

The process for requesting a joint Warrant of Control for two defendants is similar to the process for requesting a warrant for one defendant. In this situation, you will need to provide the addresses of both defendants on the form, as well as their particulars. You will also need to provide details of the debt which is owed to both of them.

After Requesting a Warrant

Once the warrant has been issued, you will need to contact the court to arrange for the enforcement of the warrant. The court will indicate the necessary steps and timescales which must be followed. The court may also provide further guidance on the process of enforcement.