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Get your FREE Assured Shorthold Tenancy (AST) Agreement

Assured Shorthold Tenancy (AST) Agreement. This is the standard tenancy agreement used for most residential lettings in England. It sets out the terms and conditions of the tenancy, including the rent, the length of the tenancy, and the responsibilities of the landlord and tenant.

How to draft the perfect Tenancy Agreement

Crafting a Tenancy Agreement in the UK

Introduction to Crafting a Tenancy Agreement in the UK

Key Components of a Tenancy Agreement

Parties Involved

This section should list the full legal names of the landlord and all tenants. In cases of multiple tenants, you may want to opt for a joint tenancy agreement, which holds each tenant jointly and severally responsible for the entire rent and any damages. This can provide added security for the landlord.

Example Clause: "This Tenancy Agreement is made between [Landlord's Full Name] ('the Landlord') and [Tenant's Full Names] ('the Tenant'). Where more than one person comprises the Tenant, obligations apply to and are enforceable against them jointly and severally."

Tenancy wide

Property Address

It's crucial to provide the full and exact address of the rental property, including any specific unit or apartment numbers. This ensures there is no ambiguity about the location of the tenancy.

Example Clause: "The property hereby leased is situated at [Full Property Address], herein referred to as 'the Premises'."

Tenancy Duration

Clearly state whether the tenancy is fixed-term (lasting for a specific period) or periodic (rolling from week to week or month to month). If it's a fixed-term, specify the start and end dates. For periodic tenancies, detail how and when either party can terminate the agreement.

Example Clause: "The term of this Tenancy shall commence on [Start Date] and shall continue as a [Fixed-term/Periodic] Tenancy until [End Date or Clause for Termination]."

Rental Details

The rental amount should be clearly stated, along with the frequency and preferred method of payment. If you plan to review and potentially increase the rent, include the terms under which this will occur.

Example Clause: "The Tenant agrees to pay a monthly rent of [Amount] due on the first of each month via [Payment Method]. The Landlord reserves the right to review and increase the rent annually, providing a minimum of [Notice Period] notice."

Property Description

Provide a comprehensive description of the property, including the number of rooms, bathrooms, and any outdoor space. Detail the condition of the property, and list any furnishings or appliances provided. This helps set tenant expectations and can be crucial in resolving disputes about the property's condition at the end of the tenancy.

Example Clause: "The Premises consist of [number] bedrooms, [number] bathrooms, a kitchen, and a living area. Furnishings provided include [List Furnishings], and appliances include [List Appliances]. The Premises are let in [State of Repair] condition."

Tenancy wide

Tenancy Rules and Regulations

These rules govern how the tenant should behave while renting the property. Common rules include noise restrictions, visitor policies, subletting restrictions, and maintenance responsibilities. If pets are allowed, specify any related rules or requirements here.

Example Clause: "The Tenant agrees to adhere to the following rules: Maintain a reasonable noise level, especially between 10 PM and 7 AM; Visitors are allowed for up to [number] consecutive nights; Subletting is strictly prohibited. Pets are [Allowed/Not Allowed], and if allowed, [Pet Policy Details]."

Deposit Details

State the amount of the deposit, the protection scheme it's held in, and the conditions under which it will be returned or deductions may be made. Be sure to comply with legal deposit protection requirements.

Example Clause: "A deposit of [Amount], equivalent to [number] weeks' rent, is due at the signing of this Agreement and will be protected in the [Name of Deposit Protection Scheme]. The deposit will be returned at the end of the tenancy, subject to deductions for damages beyond normal wear and tear."

Legal Obligations and Additional Documents

'How to Rent' Guide

Supply the tenant with the latest government-issued 'How to Rent' guide, ensuring they understand their rights and responsibilities.

Deposit Protection

Safeguard the tenant's deposit in a government-approved scheme and provide all related information within 30 days of receiving the deposit.

Energy Performance Certificate (EPC)

Provide an EPC with a minimum 'E' rating, showing the property's energy efficiency.

Tenancy wide

Gas Safety Certificate

Annually check all gas appliances and provide tenants with a valid Gas Safety Certificate.

Electrical Safety Certificate

If available, supply a copy of the electrical safety certificate to assure tenants of the property's electrical safety.

Appliance Manuals and Contact Information

Furnish tenants with operating manuals for appliances and essential contact details for emergencies, maintenance, and utility companies.

Enhancing Tenant Confidence and Safety

Transparent Communication

Clearly explain each section of the agreement to the tenant and address any questions they may have. Transparent communication builds trust and reduces misunderstandings.

Regular Property Inspections

Schedule routine inspections to ensure the property remains in good condition and address any issues promptly.

Inventory Checklist

Create a detailed inventory checklist, including photographs, to document the property's condition at the start of the tenancy. This can be crucial in resolving future disputes.

Updates and Amendments

Keep abreast of changes in UK landlord-tenant laws and be ready to update your tenancy agreement accordingly.

Tenant Feedback

Encourage tenants to provide feedback about the property and their rental experience. This can help you make improvements and increase tenant satisfaction.

Crafting a detailed and legally compliant tenancy agreement is essential for any successful landlord-tenant relationship in the UK. By including all necessary components, fulfilling legal obligations, and maintaining open communication, landlords can protect their property, ensure tenant safety, and foster a positive living environment. As the rental market evolves, staying informed and adaptable to legal changes will position you as a reputable and sought-after landlord in the competitive UK rental market.

Get your FREE Assured Shorthold Tenancy (AST) Agreement

Assured Shorthold Tenancy (AST) Agreement. This is the standard tenancy agreement used for most residential lettings in England. It sets out the terms and conditions of the tenancy, including the rent, the length of the tenancy, and the responsibilities of the landlord and tenant.